So what exactly is a "module"? A chapter, or what?
Modules are the building blocks that you maintain in your Smart Media Creator editing system - SMC - and from which you compile your publications – whether these may be documents, brochures, catalogues, training materials or your website.
Their size, and the manner in which you manage and structure them sensibly, depend on your contents. As does the question of whether you filter the contents according to validity, or reuse them in the form of plug-ins. This means there is no panacea, although there will definitely be a solution that is the right one for you. With our decades of experience in numerous projects, we are looking forward to helping you find it.
Together, in the course of a workshop, we develop a modularisation concept to guarantee efficient creation and management of your publications. We consider what (building) blocks you need in order to create all kinds of documents, and how you ensure that these will be found by exactly the right "workers" and used in the correct places.
In order to be able to analyse the efficiency of the modularisation concept and degree of reuse from the start, we collaborate closely with Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. In addition, we offer you the ability to output your content from the SMC in Report Exchange (REx) format. This format can be evaluated by Professor Ziegler and Claudia Oberle on the basis of the REx method that they have developed. Using the output and analysis of the REx format, performance figures can be obtained for the use of the SMC. The conclusions that can be drawn on the basis of the performance figures ascertained will support you in every phase of your in-house process management and in optimising the use of the SMC.