Powerful link management

Imagine that when you make a modification to a graphic or a re-used module, you see instantly where this content will be used. Now would it not be great if you could select which documents your current modification could be used in? That is what we thought. For this reason, with the Smart Media Creator (SMC) editing system, we also supply you with a powerful, bidirectional link management. This dynamically monitors all links (e.g. cross references, pictures, included components) between your contents.

All links under control

With the bidirectional link management you have control over all links between your contents:

  • The system prevents removal of information that is still needed.
  • The SMC draws your attention to dependencies during versioning.
  • Link lists and usage lists inform you about the effects of changes.
  • Use link management to prevent references to versions that are no longer up-to-date
  • When producing your contents, "dead links" are detected and identified.